Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 6- What Not To Say

Is that supposed to make me feel better?!

Would you say that to someone who's father just passed away from cancer?
Would you say that to someone who's niece was killed in a car accident?
Would you say that to someone who's child committed suicide?
Would you say that to someone who's grandmother died in her sleep?

Probably not.

So why is it okay to say it to me about my baby who died?

My baby is not a thing... and there is no good reason for her death.


  1. Oh my lord!!! I was so confused with why someone would say that to me! I just don't understand how someone could be so cold. So clueless. After trying for 9 years and then ending it as an ectopic pregnancy, it's all just too much!!

    1. It's one of those 'catch all' phrases that people so often use for such a wide variety of subjects. Most people accept it as it just seems like it might be the right thing to say... not so much for the loss of a baby.

      x <3 o


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