Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My weekly update à la BabyCenter...

Nope... not me in the pic above... although it should be! Bitter today? You betcha.

Hello Jaime!
38 weeks pregnant

Your due date is right around the corner and your baby's just waiting for the right time to be born. She's continuing to build a layer of fat, which will help her to control her body's temperature after birth, and put on more weight (boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls). Take it easy during the final week or so — this may be your last opportunity to relax. Instead of spending every available minute decorating the nursery or folding baby clothes, go out and see a movie, read a book or take long naps. Don't forget to spend some quality time with your partner, too — it will probably be your last chance to have an evening out together for a while.

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