Monday, March 29, 2010

The Missed Project...

I was invited to join a new group on Facebook and thought that many of you may be interested:

If you have suffered the loss of a child due to miscarriage or stillbirth, I invite you to consider submitting something for The Missed Project. The Missed Project is a writing/art project to remember and honour our children and the spaces they left, as well as explore diversity within a common experience.

Please consider contributing by sending me something, anything that expresses your loss or any aspect of your experience. It could be as simple as a few words on a scrap piece of paper, or as abstract as you can create. It could be a photo, painting or collage…really anything as long as it is yours and meaningful for you to share.

Feel free to remain anonymous, or have your name on the piece if you prefer. Eventually I would love to see the pieces displayed together or even in a book format. My hope is that this project will offer not only an outlet, but also a place for the souls of those who have suffered this type of loss to congregate and perhaps offer insight to those who have not walked this road.

Peace to you.

Please MAIL your submission/s to:
The Missed Project
3-212 Henderson Hwy
Suite #130
Winnipeg, MB R2L 1L8
Email Stephanie at

p.s. If you know of others who may be interested in The Missed Project, feel free to direct them to the group.
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