Thursday, March 4, 2010

Claire has joined the parade!

I received an email from Bree today that put a smile on my face!! Claire has now joined Ella in her Parade of Butterflies!

Bree lost her precious Ella on March 15th, 2009 at 23.3 weeks due to IC and PTL. One day while in Michaels to buy yarn, Bree came across a butterfly ornament template. She bought one without a plan and then her plan turned into a parade! She was having a down day and began coloring and thinking about Ella. Her thoughts then ran over into other babies that had passed too soon and she began making butterflies for each one of them spending a few minutes thinking of each child. She now offers this sweet and creative service to other bablylost families to honour their children. A pretty little treasure and a nice way to connect with one another.

Check out her blog, My Baby Butterfly Ella, by clicking on Claire’s butterfly above and be sure to check out Ella’s Parade of Butterflies by clicking on the button in the right hand column on her site.

Thank you once again, Bree, for talking the time to think of my little girl and for inviting her to join Ella in the parade!


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