Sunday, May 2, 2010

To all of my Babylost Mother friends...

I hope that today brings you a little sunshine wherever in the world you may be. Thank you all for shining a little my way every day through your support.

The friendships I have made with you all mean more to me than I could ever convey in words... but somehow I don’t think much needs to be said as I know you all get it.

My hope for you today is that you find some quiet time to remember your little one(s) with a smile on your face... even if the smile shines through a few tears.

You are loved.
You are giving.
You are thoughtful.
You are caring.
You give others strength by sharing your journey.
You are all of the above and so much more and that is what makes you a beautiful mother!

Thinking of you and your sweet babes today.

Thank you once again to Carly for uniting us all today. To learn more about International Babylost Mothers Day click here.
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