Friday, May 7, 2010

If there is one thing you can count on...

I feel awful.

I run a day home and take care of 3 little kiddos. I have always been upfront with my families that arts and crafts are not my strong suit but I have always made an effort around holidays to make something special...

And I didn’t even stop to think once in the past week that Mother’s Day was coming up. It didn’t even cross my mind. Not even one little bit. Not even when one of my day home mamas left today and gave me a big hug and wished me a Happy Mother’s Day! It did not register that I hadn’t had the children make a thing until 5:07pm when the second to last kiddo went home.

Okay, so I did think about Mother’s Day this week but it was in an all-about-me-and-my-dreading-the-day-coming-and-hope-I-can-keep-it-together-for-my-husband-and-kiddos kind of way.

So I did think of it but I was so wrapped up in myself that I didn’t think of  it from the perspective of the kids in my care and how happy the kiddos would be to make something special for their mommy. So sad.

I was discussing it with Andrew while we made dinner and I started to tear up. I realized that I dropped the ball and that I have over and over and over since Claire died.

If there is one thing everyone can count on from me this year it is this:


I will forget.
I will unintentionally ignore things.
I will remember too late.

I will feel awful about it.
So awful.
So sorry.
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