Friday, January 20, 2012

12 months...


12 months - 18 lbs 6 oz / 29 inches
11 months - 19 lbs 6 oz / 28 inches
10 months - 18 lbs 2 oz / 27.75 inches
9 months - 17 lbs 8 oz / 27.25 inches
8 months - 17 lbs 6 oz / 26.75 inches
7 months - 17 lbs 2 oz / 26 inches
6 months - 15 lbs 6.5 oz / 25.25 inches
5 months - 15 lbs 6 oz / 25 inches
4 months - 13 lbs 7.5 oz / 24 inches
3 months - 12 lbs 5 oz / 23 inches
2 months - 10 lbs 14 oz / 22.5 inches
1 month - 9 lbs 2 oz / 21 inches
Newborn - 6 lbs 9 oz / 19 inches

A drop in weight this month... down from the 50th percentile to the 27th. It’s probably from all of the walking!! This little wonder is go, go, go!

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